Episode 203 - Fencing Underwater

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Apples first ever event at Apple Park set for Sept. 12th, Apple Watch may soon track a lot more activities, patent for touch sensitive fabrics for watch bands, New FitBit and Garmin watches take on the Apple Watch and how you can help with donations for Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. Reviews of OmniFocus 2, Carbon Fiber watch band and case from Carbon Fiber Gear and KPRC Hurricane Tracker app.

Episode 201 - Resistance is Futile

Apple Watch 3 including LTE rumors, Overcast drops send to watch feature, Nike discounts Apple Watch and Cardiogram measures heart rate of Game of Thrones watchers. Reviews of Apple Store app, Infltr app and Speidel Twist-O-Flex Apple Watch band.

Episode 199 - The Cadillac of Apple Watches

Jailbroken Apple Watch, the death of iPod Nano, iPod Shuffle and Flash, Jony Ive on Apple Park, Apple Watch Series 3 rumors and Siri loves Queen. Reviews of Optima Watch Band Case, Clockwork Synergy Bomber Leather band and myTifi remote for Samsung TV.