Episode 144 - Salsa Proof Apple Watch
/Apple developing Sleep tracking app for Apple Watch, Aetna subsidizes Apple Watch, unhappy customer smashes Apple products in store. App review of Tiny Asteroids, app or crap and more!
A podcast dedicated to the Apple Watch.
A weekly podcast dedicated to the Apple watch, Apple's most personal device yet.
Apple developing Sleep tracking app for Apple Watch, Aetna subsidizes Apple Watch, unhappy customer smashes Apple products in store. App review of Tiny Asteroids, app or crap and more!
A bonus episode with reviews of the Calc & Convert app, MoKo Soft Silicone Apple Watch Band and the Jet Black iPhone 7.
Apple Watch Series 2 Hermes released, new commercials, patents for liquid bands and a first review of Apple Watch Series 2. Ottm Sandalwood band, Freeletics and Downcast reviews, app or crap and more!
All the great new stuff from Watch OS 3, Best Buy delays watch deliveries, teardown of Series 2, reviews of Kanex GoPower portable charger, Galaxia Watch and Up Next, app or crap and more!
Bonus episode with reviews of 3 of the new additions to Clockwork Synergy's Dapper line of Apple Watch bands.
Clockwork Synergy Dapper Collection of Apple Watch Bands
15% off purchase with code: 15applewc
A weekly podcast dedicated to the Apple Watch, Apple's most personal device yet. Listen for the latest news, updates, and lively commentary on how the Apple Watch will change the way we live.
Join us every other week as we discuss all the latest and greatest news about the Apple Watch. We'll also have app reviews, interviews and tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your Apple Watch.
Here is an Apple WatchCast Watch Face for your Apple Watch, enjoy!